Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dragon Trial is only 50 frames

Why am I telling you this? Because I now have to limit how I shoot, shoot multiple takes and then try to string them together afterward to get proper continuity.
Here is my first 50 frames:

I really didn't know how I was going to make the spider walk. And well I am not 100% happy with said walk, especially not the beginning, but it's movement and animation and I'm finally starting to get things done. I may start over to get proper movement down, and I may have to switch some of the lighting since some details are missing. Hope you enjoy.



depending on how your timing that its only about 25 exposures....

Well I'm sure you'll sort out a way to make the program work for you...

if NOT....find a new program..


Unknown said...

Um... I shot a bunch of lead in frames (15 really) and then started moving the puppet. Yeah I shot on 2's so that only really gave me about 18 frames (ish). It's just the trial version I got, to try out the camera as well.But I can use multiple "takes" which if I don't move the puppet I can then cut together to make 1 Finished piece.