photos of and I helped to build. The client eventually changed their mind and they had to redo the entire thing. But it was fun to help build and set up. I even have a funny story about it. I got a bruise on my thumb from all the cardboard I had to cut to help build it. The scissors I used had a really hard, non-ergonomic handle, that put repeated pressure on my thumb. When I asked the pharmacist if an arthritis finger pressure wrap would help, so that I could continue cutting on day two, she asked if I got the bruised thumb from texting. Ah, to still look so young!
Anyway, enjoy the photos as they show some of the fun we had in building and setting it up for shooting.
So this is how he stood at the end of the day, with the "3D" cardboard words the were going to be stop-frame animated with us as the "models". See those shingles. Hand cut, stapled and glued cardboard and fabric, made by yours truly.

First photo of the yeti being changed. They didn't like the shingles. Bah humbug.

as he stood after the "de-shingling". Cute right?

His arms are too long. Sorry yeti, need to amputate those arms.
His final phase. Framed by the paper set, with tissue water and ice. And here are the final clips:
He looks Very HAPPY!
Is he a yeti?...
Yep. Yeti. We loved her... him... it...
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