Saturday, May 9, 2009

More Watercolor Sketches

When i was in HS, i had to take Watercolor. I hated it. I felt i didn't have the patience nor the skill to pull off really nice pieces, like the ones i admired. In painting classes i used acrylics because it was fast and forgiving. It taught me how to use the brush. It also showed me my love of bright beautiful colors during the time i only wore black. Years later when i realized that you could be a color artist, i decided to use the small portable w/c set i had gotten years earlier. I figured that i needed to learn how to master this medium which for years had actually only just scared me. I decided that the best way to get over it, was to just use it during figure drawing classes. As "training wheels" i still used my w/c pencils that i had fallen in love with at age 16. Here are some examples from said figure drawing classes and i think you can see that i've gotten over my fear. I may not be as good as some w/c artists, but i enjoy using them more and more. i hope you do too!


Liam said...

really liking the top one, has a nice solidity and nice overlapping forms-keep up the good work

jriggity said...

good work...


Unknown said...

Thanks guys. Always appreciate the encouragement.... More soon to come!